Thursday, November 21, 2019

The most significant trends and issues in guiding children's behavior Essay

The most significant trends and issues in guiding children's behavior - Essay Example Self discipline needs an understanding of an individual’s self and at the same time, an understanding of the couple of ways in which one can cope with the existing difficulties, disappointments, and frustrations. Self discipline gives an individual the ability to concentrate on an event so long as it is deemed necessary to enable the child learn, perfect or complete it. Guiding young kids involve a number of tasks. Parents are solely responsible for identifying and at the same time, enforcing reasonable and clear limits, while slowly giving freedom to children by trying to encourage them to be solely responsible for their self and all their actions. A positive approach is significant when teaching young children how to cope with skills and also, self-control while trying to discourage inappropriate and destructive behavior (Coloroso, 2000).Even though, children seek their freedom from the set rules and regulations that limits them at an early age, they still require constant g uidance and structure. Children upbringing as individuals depends majorly on making their own choices and facing the consequences of their actions and decisions directly (Nelson, 2002). Parents do not possess many skills for guiding their children. Preventing a child’s misbehavior takes a lot of planning and preparation. Effective and corrective discipline measures focus on the child’s development and maintains the kid's dignity and also self-esteem.In guiding children’s behavior, the kids should have choices.... Effective and corrective discipline measures focus on the child’s development and maintains the kid's dignity and also self-esteem. In guiding children’s behavior, the kids should have choices. This is an effective way in guiding a child to build decision making skills, and mould a kid’s self discipline. Nevertheless, a parent should give choices he or she is willing to allow. Parents should use more dos than don’ts in guiding a child’s behavior. They can consider giving the kid a go ahead light instead of a stop light. Guardians should set only the necessary limits. Only the principal ones and the ones viewed as necessary for a child to be safe. The set limits should also be reasonable. Is the kid capable? At times, the parent’s exceptions are too high and should be moved to fit the kid’s capabilities. The set limits should be comprehensible and clear. The parent should give information that is sufficient as well as understandable to the children and other member of the family (Nelson & Lott, 2004). The set limits should be consistent that is, they should never change at all. They should not change as the kid grows and becomes more self disciplined. Consider how past trends and societal approaches contribute to the current thoughts. In the past traditional era, physical punishment was common as a form of punishing wayward behaviors by the children. Nevertheless as, times changed, dialogue has become introduced among parents and their children preventing further instances of the physical punishment. According to Coloroso (2000), parents nowadays sit down with their kids and even discuss the punishments they deem appropriately. What are the best approaches and strategies in the early

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