Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Zombie Essay Essay Example

Zombie Essay Essay Example Zombie Essay Essay Zombie Essay Essay There was a strange noise outside of the math classroom, and Mr.. Win decide d to go check it out. Mr.. Win screamed in terror; the class rushed to the door and saw the zombie cooks. Beth pushed Mr.. Win out the door, and he was the first to turn and the first to lose. I looked around the classroom, but there werent many tools to grab. I grabbed a mat h book and headed to the door. I smashed two zombies in their gruesome head and left them laying n the floor. When looked back I saw my best friend who joined the walking dead. Stopped for a minute but realized there was nothing I could do, so I took off for the boiler room to get s mom supplies. I found a shovel, matches and some gas. I used the shovel to make my way thro cough to the gym. Realizing the walking dead was slow, I was able to block the doors except for my way out. I waited for all of them to come in so I could light up the floor. Once they were i the gym, I stepped outside, lit the gas covered floor and slid the handle of the shovel thro cough the door handles. Hearing the moans and screams put a smile on my face. I had won my first battle against the walking dead. I headed home to check on my family. When I arrive d everything seemed to be okay. I walked in the house and told them to lock up the house the war between the walking dead had just begun. I sat on the porch with my shotgun and waited f or them to come.

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